Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Short Screening Tool Used For Evaluate Alcohol And Drug...
*Short screening tool used to evaluate alcohol and drug use among adolescents and to help determine need for a more thorough assessment. *Can be self-administered and/or used in interview with patient *Part A has 13 questions that pertain to drug use history. *Part B has 14 questions that cover alcohol and drug use. *This tool is a combined revision of two other scales: the Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Scale (AAIS) by (Mayer Filstead, 1979, Moberg, 1983) and the Adolescent Drug Involvement Scale (ADIS) by (Moberg Hahn, 1991) that was developed in 2000 by Dr. Paul Moberg, who is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Moberg, 2005). *The combined tool is advantageous over other screening tools for a variety of reasons: simplifies and reduces repetition of content, combines alcohol and drug questions alleviating the social and legal stigma of drugs relative to alcohol possible reducing the â€Å"false negative rate of a drug only screen†, includes a grid that ascertains history of use prior to questions related to consequences of use, updated/correct terminology, and preserves original scoring structures (Moberg, 2005). *The AAIS in its original form was initially â€Å"developed and validated as an operational definition of adolescent alcohol involvement†(Mayer Filstead, 1979); however there were flaws in its use such as not addressing â€Å"age-specific norms†. *The ADIS was developed in the 1980’s to study adolescents undergoing substance abuse treatment. *TheShow MoreRelatedEffect Of Suicide Screening Assessment Tools5396 Words  | 22 PagesEffect of Suicide Screening Assessment Tools in Determination of Risk in Adolescents JoAnn Eastman MCPHS University Abstract Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the United States with the incidence continuing to rise. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Organizational Ethics Essay - 1808 Words
Introduction Organizations and companies often face difficult ethical and moral issues that affect the overall well-being of the company. Making the right or wrong decision can cause companies to be either successful or failures. Leaders and managers have an obligation to stakeholders, officers, board members, employees, and customers to make the right ethical decisions. Making the wrong decisions can affect not only the lives of the board members but can also adversely affect employees as in the case of identity theft. Issue Clarification Identity theft is a major ethical issue facing companies and organizations worldwide. Employers have access to personal employee information such as social security numbers, credit reports, background†¦show more content†¦The costs associated with safeguarding this information maybe costly, however employers must take measures to ensure that personal information is secure. According to the Sacramento Bee, a massive data security breach at the Department of Consumer Affairs last month could cost taxpayers as much as $122,000 and the department may have to spend more than that to provide identity theft protection services to the more than 5,000 employees whose information was compromised (McIntosh, para. 1 2). When dealing with government agencies information breaches such as this is not uncommon due to the amount of employees with access to this information. A couple years ago the federal government experienced a personnel information breach which affected a large amount of veterans. During the Jeb Bush administration, the State of Florida outsourced its personnel functions to Convergys Corporation, a Cincinnati, Ohio based company. With Florida being the fourth most populous state, this was an enormous task that cost the state more than $280 million dollars for a seven-year contract (Rosenthal para. 1). When human resource management functions are outsourced the probability for a breach in information is likely because in most situations the information is given to several individuals who usually work in a call center. In most situations call center employees earnShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Ethics697 Words  | 3 PagesOrganizational Ethics Jessie Banks ETH/316 October 27, 2014 Mario Madrid Organizational Ethics Business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues are part of organizational ethics. These ethics are often guided by the law; most business uses ethics in order to be accepted by the public or to have a successful business. Ethical principles can address organizational issues which help the organization to follow good practices within their organization or company. I amRead MoreThe Ethics And Organizational Communications1448 Words  | 6 Pages The study of Ethics and organizational communications has been an ongoing subject. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Sustainability Report
Question: Discuss about the Business Sustainability Report. Answer: Introduction: The company Eagle Valley Health Foods deals in the production of health oriented snack bars. Since there is a growing inclination of public towards healthy consumption, so the company has recently incurred considerable amount of profit (Zaharia,and Zaharia 2013). The company CEO Mr. Martin Clifton wants to improve sustainability aspect of the company, as he believes that would be improving the performance of the company and improve reputation. Considering the limited budget of the company, the CEO has been inclined to hire a CSR consultant who would help in implementation of the best CSR initiative in the organization. This report will help in producing the possible suggestions for sustainability. Findings Discussions The Eagle Valley Health Foods carries out its operation on the eastern outskirts of the Perth City. The production is carried out in the two story warehouse where in there is both factory area and company office. Corrugated iron structure became hot in the summer and cold in the winter so electricity bills escalated as it was used for heating and cooling. The use of electricity is likely to create a harmful environment and increases the health risk of people working in that environment. This is the reason why there is a need for the CSR in the actions. There are six core characteristics of CSR. Firstly, there are voluntary activities that are seen to go beyond the law. There are companies that tend to seek outside that of the legal compliance. Secondly, it is important to manage the externalities as the cost would be then be borne by local communities (berseder, Schlegelmilch and Murphy 2013). CSR would help in creating a voluntary approach in managing the externalities. Thirdly, the re are ranges of interest included among the stakeholders along with that of the shareholders (Amaladoss and Manohar 2013). Fourthly, the firms derive some economic benefits when it follows the social responsibility in business (Rahim 2015). Fifthly, the practices and strategies that are followed by the company Eagle Valley Health Foods should be dealing with a social issue but there are circumstances when consumers tend to ask for more. Finally, it is seen that real CSR is beyond just philanthropy rather it is all about the business function affecting the society (Richards et al. 2015). All these aspects will help in maintaining the main thrust of CSR in the organization. Findings Discussions The company Eagle Valley Health Foods is a small private enterprise operating in Western Australia. The main venue of CSR includes the business world. In case of such a small firm, the formalization of CSR for the small firms is informal. The main actors in CSR for a small private firm like Eagle Valley Health Foods are the employees and the owner managers. The main motive of the company is to build trust, networks and personal relations (Rahim 2015). The general trend that is noticed in the SMEs include that they do not try to communicate about the activities of CSR. The main reason for this is many, there is no formulated structure and there is no need for bureaucracy as there is an advantage of small size and proximity to that of the stakeholders and partners. There is no structured and codified approach followed rather there is informal approach. Eagle Valley Health Foods being a small private firm is not visible or pronounced like that of the large corporations so the major rela tionship is quite important between the managers or the owners with that of the suppliers , employees, customers or the neighbours. The personal relationship for the small private firm is very important which is typically identified as CSR and that which is targeted to the building of the trust, networks and good personal relations (Galbreath and Shum 2012). There is no control or ownership right unlike that of the large firms. In such a case, the managers they tend to maximise their return on investment. There is an autonomy that is enjoyed by the firm and most of the time is devoted in seeking to maximise the profit (Crane, Matten and Spence 2013).There is a serious problem as there is huge consumption of water for the production of the health bars in Eagle Valley Health Foods. As a CSR aspect, there is a need for utilising the water resources in the most judicious manner as water is a non-renewable resource and availability of it is very limited (Bevan and Yung 2015). Conclusion Recommendations: The CSR of the small private firms in the parts of Australasia has a tendency to address the social issues through the collective actions and the policies of the government. In South Africa and Australia, there is higher degree of expectation that is directed towards companies so that rights of the aboriginal and black people are upheld. This will help in getting them with good employment opportunities. In case of the company, Eagle Valley Health Foods as CSR consultant it is recommended to reduce the electricity bill so that it helps in reducing cost. This could possibly be reduced when the company invests more into solar panels as this is a cheaper source of electricity generation. To reach the sustainability in the water consumption the cost can be reduce when dry machining are installed in the process of production. There will be a need for very less amount of water. In place of the use of corrugated iron in building the factory the factory needs to be renovated through the use o f wood in place of iron. There is a need for renovation as the there has been no renovation since 1960s. The use of cross ventilation is another solution there is a need for the air to circulate freely. Wood will be able to tolerate all sorts of temperatures. Since the small private company is located in the outskirt area of Perth, so the cost of transportation needs is high, as the raw material needs to be fetched from far off location. This needs to be reduced by getting local or regional produce as source of raw material. It is recommended that for expanding globally there is an option for the company to acquire, merger or follow the joint venture as a market entry strategy. The CSR related concerns will be going to be address when the company build a relationship with the stakeholder. The above sustainable approaches will help the Company Eagle Valley Health Foods to get more revenue and help in enhancing the reputation of the company. Reference: Zaharia, C. and Zaharia, I., 2013. The Impact Of CSR On Consumers'attitude And Behavior.Economics, Management and Financial Markets,8(1), p.118. Amaladoss, M.X. and Manohar, H.L., 2013. Communicating corporate social responsibilityA case of CSR communication in emerging economies.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,20(2), pp.65-80. berseder, M., Schlegelmilch, B. B., and Murphy, P. E. (2013). CSR practices and consumer perceptions.Journal of Business Research,66(10), 1839-1851. Rahim, M.M., 2015. Regulating Quality in CSR Reporting in Australia.Rahim, Mia Mahmudur, Vicario, Victor (2015)'Regulating Quality in CSR Reporting in Australia', New Zealand University Law Review. Richards, Z., Thomas, S.L., Randle, M. and Pettigrew, S., 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility programs of Big Food in Australia: a content analysis of industry documents.Australian and New Zealand journal of public health,39(6), pp.550-556. Bevan, E.A. and Yung, P., 2015. Implementation of corporate social responsibility in Australian construction SMEs.Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,22(3), pp.295-311. Crane, A., Matten, D. and Spence, L.J., 2013. Corporate social responsibility in a global context.Chapter in: Crane, A., Matten, D., and Spence, LJ,'Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context,2, pp.3-26. Galbreath, J. and Shum, P., 2012. Do customer satisfaction and reputation mediate the CSRFP link? Evidence from Australia.Australian Journal of Management,37(2), pp.211-229. Rahim, M.M., 2015. Regulating Quality in CSR Reporting in Australia.Rahim, Mia Mahmudur, Vicario, Victor (2015)'Regulating Quality in CSR Reporting in Australia', New Zealand
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Stanton uses all of these techniques in The Declar Essays - Fiction
Stanton uses all of these techniques in The Declaration of Sentiments. In the first paragraph, for instance, she establishes a formal, righteously indignant tone. "Tone" is the stance an author takes toward her subject matter or audience. The words she chooses help set this tone. Phrases like "hitherto occupied" make it clear that she has chosen to take a formal, elevated tone to the work. And words and phrases like "laws of nature," "nature's God entitle them," and "impel" make her righteous indignation equally clear. "Cadence" refers to the delivery of the selection, which, in the Declaration of Sentiments, is almost in a poetic fashion. For example, opening paragraphs flow with sentiment, while in the later paragraphs, facts are stated briefly and directly in a staccato fashion. The opening three paragraphs are poetic in nature. Stanton uses poetic, lyrical language, like "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government . . . " She also uses lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Later, the listing of offenses consists of intentionally short, choppy single-sentence paragraphs, such as "He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead." They are direct and succinct so that when they are spoken, they are more like demands than statements. The type of language used in the Declaration of Sentiments varies from section to section, but in general, the language is direct and formal. It is often also connotatively charged and evocative. "Connotation" is the subjective cultural or emotional association attached to a word. Words like "zealous" and "untiring," in her final paragraphs, for instance, have a generally positive, motivational connotation. And phrases like "overthrow the monopoly of the pulpit" and "equal participation" can be associated with ideas of justice, revolution, goodness, and equality. Stanton ends the Declaration on a positive, inspirational note by including such evocative and connotatively charged language in her final paragraphs.
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